Jan Close at Maple Run Emporium For Summer Fest

Jan Close maple bowls woodturnings

Potsdam Chamber of Commerce - Chamber News

POTSDAM, NY - July 14, 2011 - Jan Close of Potsdam, New York, will be the Artist-in-Residence at Maple Run Emporium for the 2011 Potsdam Summerfest. He will have nearly 100 pieces of his hand carved bowls, spoons, pepper mills, and salt mills on display starting Friday, July 15. Jan will be in the Maple Run shop at 49 Market Street on Saturday, July 16, from 9:00 am to noon. In addition to his collection of hand-carved pieces from Northern New York hard maple, Jan will also be showing his work in cherry and walnut. Jan's bowls are hand-turned on a lathe with chisels and hand sanded with sandpaper. All of Jan's woodturnings are intended for every day use and are finished with a food-safe, non-toxic varnish. His maple pieces are handcrafted from sugar maple wood that was harvested in Saint Lawrence County. The distinctive grain patterns in some of the bowls are the result of the tapping of these maple trees. The "tap hole" bowls and platters have the actual tap holes that remain in the trees as a result of the maple sugaring process. Maple Run Emporium is open every day from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

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