Media Coverage — Watertown Daily Times

Official: venture could invigorate Potsdam

emporium Maple Potsdam shop Watertown Daily Times

  Watertown Daily Times Official: venture could invigorate Potsdam MAPLE RUN EMPORIUM: Business specializing in all types of maple products is on track to open April 1 By LARRY ROBINSON JOHNSON NEWSPAPERS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2011 ARTICLE OPTIONS AAA POTSDAM — A village economic development specialist is pointing to a new retail outlet specializing in maple-based products as the kind of business that could help reinvigorate downtown. The nearly 2,000-square-foot Maple Run Gourmet Grocery & Gift Emporium is expected to open by April 1 at 49 Market St. The shop will specialize in maple products and crafts, ranging from gourmet...

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