Media Coverage — shop
Gourmet Gift Baskets Available at Maple Run Emporium, Potsdam
emporium Maple Potsdam shop St. Lawrence County Development Corporation
NNY Gazette Gourmet Gift Baskets Available at Maple Run Emporium, Potsdam 05/05/2011 The sap may stop flowing, but you can find maple products year round at Maple Run Emporium in Potsdam. With the help of a $20,000 loan from the St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation, the store has been stocked with more maple than you could imagine. About twenty years ago Mary Hilton began creating a vision. In developing this idea Mary realized the importance of maple to the local economy and wanted a place to showcase this diverse resource so valuable to the North Country. Her...
Maple Run Emporium opens in Potsdam
emporium Maple North Country This Week Potsdam shop
North Country This Week Maple Run Emporium opens in Potsdam Monday, April 11, 2011 - 10:47 am The grand opening of Maple Run Emporium at 49 Market Street was recently held in Potsdam. From left to right (front): Dave Crowell, chamber membership committee; Michelle Collins, Small Business Development Center; Mary Hilton, owner; Sue Hewitson; Fred Hanss, Potsdam Planning Office. Left to right (back): Jim Murphy, Potsdam Planning Office; Juanita Babcock, Potsdam Farmer’s Market; Ryan Meashaw, Maple Run staff; Rob Bicknell, chamber board president.
New Shop Alert in Potsdam, NY - Maple Run Gourmet Grocery & Gift Emporium
emporium Grand Opening Maple Potsdam shop
The Mad Recycler Wednesday, April 6, 2011 New Shop Alert in Potsdam, NY - Maple Run Gourmet Grocery & Gift Emporium Yesterday was the grand opening of a new shop in downtown Potsdam. I went down on my lunch break to check out the Maple Run Gourmet Grocery & Gift Emporium. The shop features all things maple. I love maple syrup so of course this was the perfect place for me. I was able to sample some of their specialty products, like the maple butter, maple candy, maple BBQ sauce as well as Maple Wine. I loved the Maple Wine,...
Featuring food and gifts, Maple Run Emporium opens April 5 in Potsdam
emporium Maple North Country This Week Potsdam shop
North Country This Week Featuring food and gifts, Maple Run Emporium opens April 5 in Potsdam Sunday, April 3, 2011 - 5:58 pm POTSDAM -- Maple Run Emporium, the gourmet grocery and gift emporium specializing in maple, will host a grand opening celebration on April 5 from noon to 2 p.m. at the shop at 49 Market St. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony with the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce, maple tastings, and complimentary maple samples.Maple Run Emporium, the gourmet grocery and gift emporium specializing in maple, will host a grand opening celebration on April 5 Owner Mary Hilton...
Official: venture could invigorate Potsdam
emporium Maple Potsdam shop Watertown Daily Times
Watertown Daily Times Official: venture could invigorate Potsdam MAPLE RUN EMPORIUM: Business specializing in all types of maple products is on track to open April 1 By LARRY ROBINSON JOHNSON NEWSPAPERS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2011 ARTICLE OPTIONS AAA POTSDAM — A village economic development specialist is pointing to a new retail outlet specializing in maple-based products as the kind of business that could help reinvigorate downtown. The nearly 2,000-square-foot Maple Run Gourmet Grocery & Gift Emporium is expected to open by April 1 at 49 Market St. The shop will specialize in maple products and crafts, ranging from gourmet...