Maple In The News — raspberry liquer

Maple Cream Liqueur

maple liquer maple syrup raspberry liquer

Metcalfes distill new liqueur flavor on Hogback By CHRIS MAYS / Reformer Staff Posted:   04/06/2013 03:00:00 AM EDT Updated:   04/06/2013 03:00:35 AM EDT Saturday April 6, 2013 MARLBORO -- Ed Metcalfe is modest about his liqueur business, but he has plans to expand. "We're a really small operation," he said. "We were licensed two or three years ago and went into production in November of last year." The first product that Ed and his son, Gus, 25, made was Metcalfe's Vermont Maple Cream Liqueur. People said it tasted like melted maple syrup. This concoction was made by...

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