Daily Courier-Observer
Maple Shop Fits Potsdam
POTSDAM - A village economic development official is pointing to a new retail outlet specializing in maple-based products, as the kind of business that could help reinvigorate downtown Potsdam.
The nearly 2,000 square foot Maple Run Gourmet Grocery & Gift Emporium is expected to open by April 1 at 49 Market St. The shop will specialize in maple products and crafts, ranging from gourmet and artisan foods and beverages, to cookware, kitchen furnishings, bath and beauty care, and scented accessories, according to owner Mary E. Hilton.
She said the Maple Run Emporium will specifically highlight products made by north country maple producers, and will offer kitchen and pantry furnishings, utensils, and cookware from internationally renowned manufacturers.
Ms. Hilton said the store will also develop and market its own Maple Run Emporium Private Label brand by working with area artisans to create products for sale at the company's downtown Potsdam storefront, and globally through the company's website.