New Plexiglass Frames Handcrafted for Maple Run Emporium Cashwrap

Thank you to Chris Potter and Nick Potter of CJ Potter Construction in Potsdam for building these gorgeous wood and Plexiglass frames for the cash-wrap at Maple Run Emporium. They work beautifully to keep everyone safe at check-out. It's like wearing a shield in addition to a mask!

Prior to the plexiglass shields, we used distancing tape on the floors, barricade tables, and a distanced checkout basket procedure. We thank all of our customers for adhering to our previous protocols! 

Our check-in table remains at the entrance where you can use the hand sanitizer upon arrival and when you leave. You can also use the wire mesh shopping baskets that are sanitized after every use.

Last week Maple Run Emporium had our annual inspection by the Department of Agriculture and Marketing and we passed with flying colors. There's even a notation on the certificate that states we are in compliance with all safety measures required during the pandemic.

Stay Safe! Stay Well!

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