New York is #2 Maple Syrup Producer in U.S.

maple syrup maple syrup production New York maple syrup

New York maple syrup production outpaces Maine

New York produced 1,000 more gallons

Published  11:22 AM EDT Jun 27, 2014!4UxtL
Chad Diamond

New York state has edged out Maine to keep its spot as the nation's second biggest producer of maple syrup.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports New York produced 546,000 gallons of syrup in 2014, just 1,000 gallons more than Maine.
Vermont easily held on to the top position, producing more maple syrup than Maine and New York combined.
Overall, syrup production in the northeast was down in 2014 because the long winter delayed the start of syrup season, which typically runs for about a month in late winter and early spring.
Still, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he's more than satisfied with the state's maple syrup industry, calling 2014 a "banner year" for the state's producers.

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